1. To apply a promotion code (promo code), you must enter it prior to completing the order. Promo codes cannot be applied to previously placed orders.
  2. Promo codes are only valid up until the date specified on the promo code.
  3. A promo code may not be used in combination with any other promo code.
  4. Promo codes are not transferable or redeemable for cash or credit.
  5. Certain products are excluded from promo codes. See the specific details of the promo code for a list of excluded products.
  6. Offer void where prohibited, licensed, or restricted by federal, state, provincial, or local laws, or regulation, or agency/institutional policy. Other restrictions may apply.
  7. Promo codes are only valid for orders placed directly with Cytiva.
  8. Promo codes are one-time use only, unless otherwise stated.