Sign up today to receive your discount on consumables. Get a free basket of select products (U.S. and Canada only). This offer is valid for six months.
Purchase from product areas 1, 2, 3 and 5 at a 20% discount and from 4 at a 10% discount.
Free basket includes:
- Benchkote lab bench protector
- VACU-GUARD inline disc vacuum filter
- Whatman protein prep syringe filter for ÄKTA chromatography systems
- Whatman pH indicator strips
To qualify you must be:
- starting a new company or lab
- moving your current lab into a new space
- a first-time government grant recipient
*Biacore consumables and custom products are excluded.
Discounts are not additive. This offer expires six months after registration of your new lab. Eligibility is based on meeting the new lab criteria above and confirmation that the new lab has not received another new lab offer from Cytiva or another participating distributor. Other exclusions may apply. Basket contents may vary and are currently not available in Europe.
Offer valid from 1 January 2023 – 31 December 2023 in Canada, the U.S., and Europe only.
Requestors are responsible for abiding by their employer's policies regarding participation in this campaign and receiving gifts. They are responsible for confirming with their university, institution or other such relationship that their application does not violate any policies set by that university, institution or other such relationship.