After protein purification you expect highly pure protein. If your purified protein isn’t making the grade, these troubleshooting tips may help.
Chromatography books say that chromatogram peaks should be symmetrical. But what about real life in the lab? Many things cause “fronting” or “tailing” peaks. Good news – most are easy to fix.
Are your chromatography system’s pressure alarms and slow flow rates giving you headaches? Then you’ll want to read this article.
Is your protein eluting at the wrong time? Does it elute too early, too late, or maybe not at all? Learn how to quickly identify possible causes of unexpected retention times and how to fix them.
Are you frustrated that you aren’t getting the amount of pure protein that you expected? We’ve got some tips for that.
Have you ever seen bubbles in the resin bed of your chromatography column? Or space between the resin bed and the adaptor? Here are some things to check before your run.