5 frequently asked questions about Cytiva consumables
Our scientists answer five common questions they receive about popular Cytiva consumables. Read about how to use our Ficoll-Paque media, NAP purification columns, and ECL detection reagents kits, and how you can optimize your Western blotting.
5 frequently asked questions about Cytiva Whatman products
Our support scientists answer the five most common questions they receive about Whatman products. Read about how to use the Proteinsaver cards and Protein Prep syringe filters for ÄKTA systems, and learn how to avoid clogging your filters.
5 frequently asked questions about ÄKTA systems
Cytiva support scientists answer the five most common questions they receive about our chromatography systems. Read more about how to choose the right columns for ÄKTA start and mixers for ÄKTA pure, and how to carry out lab-scale reversed phase chromatography.
5 frequently asked questions about protein analytics
Our support scientists answer the five most common questions they get about protein analytics. We explain how to study antibody-antigen interaction on the Biacore system, measure fluorescence intensity on the Typhoon imager, and more.