April 26, 2024

Implementing integrity: Advancing scientific publishing through robust verification systems

By Cytiva

Researchers, reviewers, and journal editors can all agree that the importance of integrity and reproducibility cannot be overstated in the realm of scientific research (1). Nevertheless, journals are no strangers to cases of lapses in research integrity, which are undoubtedly a major contributor to the reproducibility crisis facing scientists today (2).  From scientific fraud to unintentional image manipulation, journal editors are seeing an extraordinarily high rate of cases, and it is essential that journals develop robust systems to overcome these challenges (3,4). Here, we will explore the critical importance of reproducibility and integrity in academic publishing, the challenge of maintaining research integrity for journals, and potential strategies to tackle the high rate of fraudulent Western blot data in scientific publications.

The challenge of data integrity for journals

Ensuring that all published data meets the highest standards of quality and integrity is essential for academic journals for a number of reasons. First, in the pursuit of scientific discoveries, it is in all of our best interests to ensure that publications serve the research community by acting as accurate, reliable, and reproducible sources of information for guiding future research efforts. However, the statistics surrounding reproducibility in science indicate that this is not always the case; a 2016 survey found that over 70% of scientists were unable to replicate the work of other scientists, while more than 50% could not reproduce their own findings (2).

Additionally, ensuring that published research is credible and of high quality is crucial for maintaining a good reputation as a journal within the scientific community. For example, a journal that is known to publish high-quality, reliable research is likely to be well thought of among scientists, leading to a loyal readership, a higher impact factor, and more submissions. However, a journal known to publish low-quality, unreliable scientific findings or whose publications are retracted following allegations of disintegrity is likely to lose its credibility, reducing rates of submission and downloads and ultimately harming its impact factor. In addition to retaining the trust of the research community, it is also essential that journals play their part in retaining the trust of the public in scientific research as a whole.

Notwithstanding its importance, ensuring that all publications adhere to the highest standards of research integrity and quality is not a simple task: a large number of research integrity-related problems have been identified and reported within published research, indicating that issues are surpassing the peer-review process and making their way into publicly available research (3,4). This includes a high rate of intentional and unintentional cases of unacceptable image manipulation; a 2018 report analyzed 1364 published papers and identified 78 (5.7%) from 46 different journals (10.2% of journals included in the analysis) containing at least one instance of unreported suspected image manipulation, the vast majority of which related to gel electrophoresis images (4). However, fraudulent or inadvertently manipulated western blot data can be extremely challenging for editors, peer reviewers, and even the authors themselves to identify by eye, and current procedures are evidently insufficient (5).



The Solution: Our image integrity checker

Ultimately, ensuring data integrity in academic publishing is paramount, as the reputation and credibility of scientific journals hinge on the authenticity of published data. Fraudulent data, especially manipulated images in western blots, poses a significant risk, leading to retractions that can severely damage a journal's reputation and business. To address this critical issue, we has developed the Image Integrity Checker 2.0, a robust software designed to safeguard against the publication of fraudulent or unacceptably manipulated western blot images.

This innovative software has been designed to assist researchers, editors, and reviewers in verifying the authenticity of images obtained from Amersham™, ImageQuant™ 800, or Typhoon™ imaging systems. By reading the Secure Hash Algorithm 256 (SHA-256) digital fingerprints of images generated with the compatible imaging systems, the free, standalone image integrity checker software is able to confirm that raw data is intact and correct.

This software streamlines the verification of image authenticity, allowing researchers to perform a preliminary assessment of image integrity before carrying out analysis, thus minimizing the risk of submitting manipulated images for publication. Furthermore, the system generates reports that can be included in peer review submissions, streamlining the journal review process. The standalone nature of the software means that anyone can verify the integrity of an image, provided it was produced using a compatible device, enabling editors and reviewers to quickly resolve concerns, streamlining the review process.

Given the prevalence of fraudulent western blots in academic publishing (4), journals are increasingly motivated to protect their integrity and reputation. By recommending the use of imaging devices compatible with the image integrity checker, journals can ensure the reliability of western blotting data in manuscripts, upholding data integrity and reinforcing the trust and credibility of scientific publications.




The integrity and reproducibility of research are fundamental to the advancement of science, yet journals face significant challenges in maintaining these standards due to increasing instances of research integrity lapses, particularly surrounding the publication of fraudulent western blot data. These lapses contribute to the reproducibility crisis, highlighting the need for journals to implement robust systems to detect and prevent issues such as image manipulation. Our image integrity checker 2.0 offers a practical solution for verifying the authenticity of gel electrophoresis images captured on a compatible device and thereby supporting the maintenance of high standards of research integrity. By facilitating the verification of image integrity, this software enables journals to enhance research credibility and reliability, protecting their reputation and advancing the pursuit of scientific discoveries.

To learn how verify the integrity of your images visit the image integrity checker web page.