Biacore 3000 consumables selection guide
Biacore 3000 consumables selection guide
Please choose the option below
I will capture my molecule with the help of a tag
I will attach an antibody/antibody fragment
I will attach a molecule that will not use a tag for capture nor is an antibody/antibody fragment
What tag will you use?
Other tag, covalently immobilizing my own capturing molecule
What type of antibody/antibody fragment will you use?
An antibody other than mouse or human
What type of biomolecule will you attach?
Large molecule or particle (cell, virus)
How would you like to capture your molecule?
I will capture on anti-histidine antibody
I will capture through NTA chelation
How would you like to capture your molecule?
I will attach my biotinylated molecule on a streptavidin surface
I will use reversible capture of my biotinylated molecule
How will you attach your antibody?
I will attach via capture
I will not attach via capture
How will you attach your antibody?
I will attach via capture
I will not attach via capture
How will you attach your antibody?
I will attach via capture
I will not attach via capture
Is your molecule membrane-associated?
Is your molecule membrane-associated?
My molecule is incorporated in...
What is your molecule incorporated in?